+Simon Booth Hemorrhoid Home Cure: Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy | Avoidance and Relief

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy | Avoidance and Relief

hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Formation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are a common occurrence during pregnancy particularly if you have suffered from the complaint prior to becoming pregnant. Hemorrhoids can develop during the second stage of labour whilst you are pushing and are also a common post post-partum complaint.
In the majority of cases where hemorrhoids have developed during pregnancy it is likely that they will clear up in the early days/weeks following birth, monitoring your diet to avoid constipation is an important factor in the resolution of hemorrhoids.

As well as hemorrhoids, pregnancy can also make you vulnerable to varicose veins in the legs and occasionally in the vulva. As your uterus grows pressure is increased on the pelvic veins and on the inferior vena cava as this pressure is applied the return of blood from the lower half of the body is slowed down and causes the veins below the uterus to become swollen.Constipation is another problem that is common during pregnancy that can either cause or exacerbate hemorrhoids.

How to avoid hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Whilst you are more susceptible to developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy there are a number of steps you can take to avoid getting them, or to get rid of them if you do get them.
  • Eating a high fibre diet, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day and regular exercise (a short brisk walk will suffice) will all help to keep constipation at bay, a major cause of hemorrhoids.
  • Don't delay when you have the urge for a bowel movement, and don't strain when you you do move your bowels, also avoid lingering on the toilet as this puts unwanted pressure on the area.
  • Kegel exercises performed daily increase the circulation in the rectal area and strengthen the muscles surrounding the anus.Kegel exercises also improve the muscle tone around the vagina and urethra and can speed up your bodies recovery from child birth.
  • Try to lie on your left side when sleeping or relaxing as this puts less pressure on your rectal veins and assists in the increase of blood to the lower half of your body.Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, ensure that you get up and move around for a few minutes every hour or so.

How to Gain Relief from hemorrhoids during pregnancy

  • Applying an ice pack to the affected area every few hours or a cold compress saturated with witch hazel can have a soothing effect.
  • Sitting in a warm bath up your hips for 10-15 minutes several times a day, or using a sitz bath, which is a small plastic basin that you fill with warm water and fit over your toilet allowing you to submerge the affected area simply by sitting on your toilet.
  • Always clean the affected area after each bowel movement with soft un-scented toilet tissue and avoid using any scented products on the area as this will only aggravate the hemorrhoids.
  • Treatment and lifestyle systems such as "Hemorrhoid No More" which is an award winning holistic treatment system are definitely worth considering.
  • Ask your GP or practice nurse to recommend a safe topical anaesthetic or suppository. 
There are a multitude of hemorrhoid home relief products available on the market, but bear in mind that the majority of these products should be used for no more than a week and if your hemorrhoids worsen or show no signs of improvement then you should always consult your doctor or medical expert.